The Rate Deck page from the Overviews → Rating menu displays all Rate Decks.
RELATIONSHIP - Displays the name of the Rate Deck rate deck relationship. Click the name to navigate to the Relationship → Relationship Info page.
RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Displays the Trunk Group trunk group relationship type for a Rate Deck rate deck assignment (Vendor Relationship or a Customer Relationship).
RATE DECK NAME - Displays the name of the Rate Deckrate deck. Use meaningful names to easily identify the purpose of the Rate Deckrate deck. Click the name to navigate to the Relationship → Rating page and open the Edit Rating window.
TRUNK GROUPS - Displays the number of trunk groups assigned to the Rate Deckrate deck. Hover the number to display the names of the trunk groups.
DIRECTION - Displays the Rate Deck rate deck direction type for the trunk group, which is Termination or Origination.
LOCATION - Displays either US & Canada or International, which are the two types of Rate Deck rate deck locations.
TYPE - Displays the Rate Deck rate deck type.
TOTAL RATES - Displays the total number of rates in the Rate Deckrate deck.
EXPIRATION DATE - If an expiration date for the Rate Deck rate deck exists, then it will display the date then the Rate Deck rate deck is no longer valid.
MODIFIED - Displays the last date the Rate Deck rate deck was modified.