Key terms
RELATIONSHIP NAME - The name of the relationship. This name usually contains a customer name or a vendor name. Click the Relationship Namerelationship name.
Account number - An optional field to help identify the customer or vendor.
STATE - The state can either be Enabled or Disabled. When Disabled ….
TRUNK GROUPS - Displays the number of Trunk Groups trunk groups in the relationship.
BILLING CYCLE - Displays the Billing Cycle billing cycle used for invoicing.
LAST INVOICED - When Invoicing is configured, displays the last time an invoice was generated.
LAST MODIFIER - Displays the time when the most recent change to the relationship was made and the username of the person that made the change.
STATUS - Affects the state of the relationship. When enabled (a check mark checkmark is visible), the State of the Relationship is Enabled. When disabled (displays an X), the State of the Relationship is Disabled.