Added two new fields Allowed User Agent and Allowed Domains to SBC Mode.
Allowed User Agent - This is a security measure which will do a simple pattern match comparison of the value in this field with the value of the SIP User Agent header in the registration header. Up to five comma separated values can be placed in this field. If none of the comma separated entries match the contents of the User Agent the registration message will be ignored.
Allowed Domain - This is a security measure which will compare the value in this field to the domain portion of the request URI of the registration message. If the values do not match the registration message will be ignored.
SBC Mode is a feature that allows SIP based IP phones and softphones on an Public or external network to register to or through the Orchestrator to a PBX on an internal network. Currently only the NEC 3C PBX is certified to SBC Mode.
Added a Delete & Insert option when uploading MCL upload functionality. This option will replace the existing destination codes against the country destinations given provided in the upload file.(https://46labs.atlassian.net/browse/CRS-4534) - uploaded file and if the country is not in MCL it will create a new country destination and assign the codes to it. Previously the Upload File capability only appended new codes to the MCL.
Fixed an issue were in the Relationship (carrier) portal the Allow Carrier To Change IPs did not function correctly.