Only 15 columns can be selected for display at a time. The Call Start Time is always displayed.
The Filter icon can be used to further filter the selection by data warehouse, customer relationship - trunk group, vendor relationship - trunk group, a minimum or maximum call duration, a specific ANI, DNIS, Call ID, or cause code. B-Leg CDRs can also be included. |
The Search field be can be used to further filter the displayed results.
Export - The Export button can be used to export the search results. Provide a name for the exported CSV file. If the Enable File Compression is selected the CSV file will be compressed and a .
gz extension will be used otherwise a .csv extension will be used. If the Export Displayed Columns Only is checked only the displayed columns will be exported. All CDRs matching the search criteria will be exported.
Lookup LRN/Spam - This button can be used to lookup an LRN associated to a specific DNIS or to check is a specific DNIS is in the Spam database.
The system default displayed columns of the CDR include the DATE Time (Call Start), the ANI, DNIS, LRN, Release Code, Release Cause, Call Duration, the Customer Relationship Name and Trunk Group Name, the Vendor Relationship Name and Trunk Group, the Original Jurisdiction, The Origination and Termination cost and the post dial delay.