As of June 2023, all updates and enhancements only apply to the new Peeredge User Interface. 46 Labs recommends all Service Provider/Carrier customers to upgrade to the new Peeredge User Interface. To request a 30 minute demonstration of the new User Interface or schedule your upgrade, open a support ticket on the Customer Portal or send an email to support@46labs.com
August 2024
Service Provider Platform:
Attestation Report
Added a new report which shows all call counts for signed (A,B,C) and unsigned calls.
Add a Notes Section to Relationships
Added a new field for notes to all relationships. This can be found in the Relationship Info tab.
Paypal & Stripe Percentage and Fee
The manual Payment Percentage and Payment Fee functionality has been deprecated. Paypal and Stripe fees will now be calculated in real time based upon total amount of a transaction.
General Improvements and Bug Fixes for August 2024:
“Term_IP”/destination signaling IP will now display in the CDR Diagnostic Report.
Fixed/added to the APIs to allow for ratedeck downloads by ID.
Adjusted the default for the Numbering upload option to be append rather than delete and insert.
Fixed an issue where the international rate count would not update upon expiry.
Added timestamps alongside transaction dates in Balance/Payment.
Adjusted the platform to not allow Toll Free additions in Prefix Jurisdiction (NPANXX) type ratedecks.
Added the ability in Global Rating to distribute a ratedeck to multiple customers in one go.
Added the Balance Warning/Suspend and balance limits fields to the Balance Overview export.
April 2024
Service Provider Platform:
Improved Password Requirements
Added the ability for admin users to set password complexity users under the General Settings page.
Hide Financial Data Permissions
Added new permissions to provide the ability for admin users to hide financial data from non-admin users. This can be found when creating a new or editing an existing Subscriber Contact under Settings.
STIR/SHAKEN Validation
Added new option “Enable Stir/Shaken Certificate Verification” under trunk groups which will be set to false by default.
This feature will check certificates and confirm the chain if it is signed by a proper authority.
If the certificate is self-signed then it will cancel the call and report this in the CDR.
STIR/SHAKEN Certificates
Added a new feature where users can upload STIR/SHAKEN Certificates and Private Key for use with the local integration option (the Endpoints).
The STIR/SHAKEN Certificates page is found under Settings.
Country/Destination Filters
Added Country and Destination Filters to the CDR Diagnostic.
The Rate Deck Generator template status will now move to the pending state whenever changes are made to deck generator template in order to have the tool regenerate the Rate Deck.
Fixed a Call Duration Report data aggregation issue.
Adjusted the LATA/OCN Report to provide cosmetic changes in the Excel export.
Fixed various visual/text errors on invoces produced by the platform.
March 2024
Service Provider Platform:
SIP Reason Visualizer
Added a bar and line graph on the SIP Reason Report, which can be found via a Visualizer button in the top right.
Agent Template
Added a new template type: Agent. This template type will be used in emails which are sent when Agents are created for a Relationship, similar to the Portal template.
Delete and Insert on MCL
Added a new option to delete and insert into a MCL (Master Code List).
This will delete all previous MCL data (countries, country destinations & destination codes) and add new countries and codes from the uploaded file.
This can only be done on user created MCLs, not the default.
Important Note: Using this option during live traffic hours may impact live traffic for the duration of upload/processing. We suggest you plan this change for after hours.
LATA/OCN Report - Summary Export
Added an option to export the complete LATA/OCN report for all nested levels.
Vendor Media IP Blocking
Added a new List type specifically for Vendor Media IPs.
The lists can be selected at the Vendor Trunk Group level by toggling the option near the bottom of the Trunk Group Info pane.
Blocking against the list will instruct the platform block traffic from reaching the listed IPs.
New Block List Options for Bulk Uploading and Exporting
Added an export option to the Block List feature found in Trunk Groups.
The new Bulk Upload options in the Block List tab are Delete & Insert and Append.
Microsoft & Google Login Single Sign-On Options (SSO)
Added new options on the Service Provider portal to login via Microsoft and Google accounts.
Credit Limit Field(s) in Relationship Export
Added the Balance Warning and Balance Suspend values to the Relationships Export.
New List Type - LRN
Added a new list type, LRN, under Lists.
Under routing rules users can select a created LRN list in the TO section of a routing rule to filter based upon the LRNs present in the selected list.
Renamed Media IP list type to Customer Media IP.
Fixed an issue with the Platform Status tool component statuses.
Fixed an issue where the LATA/OCN Report filter option for Relationships shows as undefined.
January 2024
Service Provider Platform:
Legal Info in Relationship Info and Template Mapping
Added a new section under Relationship Info titled Legal Address Information where you can input the legal company name and address information. This information can then be used:
by a new Invoicing option in the Invoicing tab of Relationships to display Legal Info on invoices, replacing the info from the Address Information section in the Relationship Info tab.
by a new drop in variable @LEGAL_COMPANY_NAME in Invoice type Templates to use the configured Legal Company Name in emails.
Location Filter for Ratedeck History
Added location filter under Rating Overview -> Rate Deck History to sort decks based upon location.
List Option for LATA and OCN Routing Rules
Added two new types of lists: LATA and OCN. These new lists are configured in the Lists page under Settings.
This feature will help in routing by allowing the use of LATA and OCN lists instead of adding them separately one by one as individual rules.