Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) - This type of Rate Deck applies to Origination Customer Trunk Groups for US & Canada destinations.
Toll-Free -
Dialed -
LATA/OCN Jurisdictional -
Peering -
Local -
Rate Deck Terminology
Tier - There are seven (7) possible tiers. Each tier can have have it’s own duration, increment, rate, mrc and effective date. In practice, all tiers typically have the same own duration, increment, rate, mrc and effective date.
effective_date - The date that the rate is effective (can be used). In practice all rate usually have the same effective date. I the effective_date is blank then XXX
Example Rate Decks
Prefix Jurisdiction
This is an example of a Prefix Jurisdiction Rate Deck for a Termination Customer Trunk Group for a US & Canada location. The