The Rate Deck page from the Overviews → Rating menu displays all Rate Decks.
RELATIONSHIP - Displays the name of the Rate Deck rate deck relationship. Click the name to navigate to the Relationship → Relationship Info page.
RELATIONSHIP TYPE - Displays the Trunk Group trunk group relationship type for a Rate Deck rate deck assignment (Vendor Relationship or a Customer Relationship).
RATE DECK NAME - Displays the name of the Rate Deckrate deck. Use meaningful names to easily identify the purpose of the Rate Deckrate deck. Click the name to navigate to the Relationship → Rating page and open the Edit Rating window.
TRUNK GROUPS - Displays the number of trunk groups assigned to the Rate Deckrate deck. Hover the number to display the names of the trunk groups.
DIRECTION - Displays the Rate Deck rate deck direction type for the trunk group, which is Termination or Origination.
LOCATION - Displays either US & Canada or International, which are the two types of Rate Deck rate deck locations.
TYPE - Displays the Rate Deck rate deck type.
TOTAL RATES - Displays the total number of rates in the Rate Deckrate deck.
EXPIRATION DATE - If an expiration date for the Rate Deck rate deck exists, then it will display the expiration date is the date the date then that the Rate Deck rate deck is no longer valid.
MODIFIED - Displays the last date the Rate Deck rate deck was modified.