Add Invoice

There are two ways to generate invoices via the Invoicing page in a Relationship:

  • Add Invoice allows you to generate an invoice.

  • Automatic invoicing can be configured via Invoicing Settings.

Key Terms

Select From Date Defines the start date of the invoice.

Select To Date Defines the end date of the invoice.

Timezone (UTC) Defines the timezone of the invoice.

Trunk Groups Defines which or if all Trunk Groups usage in the Relationship are to be included in the invoice.

Tag Refers to the tag value entered when adding and invoice individually or will contian the Auto Invoice date for invoices that are automatically generated via the Automated Invoicing option. See Invoicing Settings for more information.

Include NRC Instructs the platform to include configured NRCs on the platform.

Include MRC Instructs the platfrom to include configured MRCs on the platform.

Add and Send This button initiates the invoice generation process and then sends it to the Billing contact(s) defined in the Relationship’s Relationship Contact page.

Add Invoice This button initiates the invoice generation process.