

Key terms

Port Displays the number of ports in use and the total number of licensed ports. Hover the mouse over the circle to display the ports in use and total licensed ports. These numbers are an aggerate from all operational Orchestrators. The number of ports in use is updated every 60 seconds.

  • A blue color indicates less than 50% of the licensed ports are in use.

  • A yellow color indicates that 50% to 75% of the licensed ports are in use.

  • A red color indicates that over 75% of the licensed ports are in use.

CPS Displays the number of calls per second currently being processed and the total number of licensed calls per second. Hover the mouse over the circle to display the CPS in use and total licensed CPS. These numbers are an aggerate from all operational Orchestrators. The CPS is updated every 60 seconds.

  • A blue bar means less than 50% of the licensed CPS are currently being processed.

  • A yellow bar indicates that 50% to 75% of the licensed CPS are currently being processed.

  • A red bar indicates that over 75% of the licensed CPS are being processed.

GMT Time The Orchestrator Portal always displays the GMT current time. All times listed and used in the portal are based on the GMT Time zone.

Avatar If the signed-in user has an avatar, the avatar displays in the top right corner. If the singed-in user does not have an avatar, a circle with a letter will be used to identify the user. Clicking the avatar will allow the user to view / update their profile settings or to Sign Out of the Orchestrator User Interface.



Daily Minutes Displays the total number of minutes used for all inbound and outbound calls during the day.

Daily Attempts Displays the number of inbound and outbound call attempts for today.

Daily Profit Displays the daily profit.

Daily Margin % Displays the margin for all of today’s calls.

Daily PRV Displays the daily Predictive Routing Value.

Daily ASR Displays the daily Answer Seizure Ratio.

Daily ALOC Displays the daily Average Length of Call.

The Daily Totals are reset at Midnight GMT every day. Each new week starts at midnight GMT on Sunday.

Overview The Overview Graph compares Today’s key metrics against the same metric from the previous day and the previous week. The graph can be displayed for the previous two hours, four hours, six hours, 12 hours, or All Day.

The key metrics include:

Termination Minutes A graph of the total minutes of use for customer calls that are terminated to the PSTN compared to yesterday and last week.

Origination Minutes A graph of the total minutes of use for customer calls that originated from the PSTN compared to yesterday and last week.

Termination Attempts A graph of the total number of call attempts for customer calls that are terminated to the PSTN compared to yesterday and last week.

Origination Attempts A graph of the total number of call attempts for customer calls that originated from the PSTN compared to yesterday and last week.

Ports A graph of the total number of today’s ports in use compared to yesterday and last week.

Favorite Ports A graph of the total number of today’s favorite ports in use compared to yesterday and last week. A favorite port provides the same information has the Ports graph but for specific “favorite” Trunk Groups. Favorite Trunk Groups have the Show On Graph (Favorite) setting checked in the Trunk Group’s Trunk Group Info page. Select the Direction and Relationship and then select the desired favorite Trunk Group from the All Trunk Groups drop-down box.

CPS A graph of the total calls per second processed today by all Orchestrators compared to yesterday and last week.

Profit A graph of today’s profit compared to yesterday and last week.

Subscribers with the Profit And Margin permission can see the Daily Profit and Daily Margin % on the dashboard.

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