Triggers (OC)
Key terms
Name - The name of the Trigger. Trigger names must be globally unique.
Attempts - The number of call attempts during the Data Interval.
Completions - The number of call completions during the Data Interval.
Minutes - The total minutes of all calls during the Data Interval.
ASR - See Answer Seizure Ratio.
ALOC - See Average Length of Call.
Revenue - The generated revenue of all calls during the Data Interval.
Cost - The cost of all calls during the Data Interval.
Profit - The profit from all calls during the Data Interval.
Margin - The profit margin of all calls during the Data Interval.
PPM - See Profit Per Minute.
MOS - See Mean Opinion Score. RTCP packets must be received the Orchestrator to use a MOS trigger.
SDR - See Short Duration Ratio.
NEPR - See Not Enough Profitable Routes.
Ports - The current number of ports in use when the trigger is run.
CPS - See Call Per Second. The current number of calls per second in use when the trigger is run.
Equal To - If calculated value for Type equals the configured Value then trigger is activated and Contact Type is send an email notification.
Less Than - If calculated value for Type is less than the configured Value then trigger is activated and Contact Type is send an email notification.
Less Than Equal To - If calculated value for Type is less than or equal to the configured Value then trigger is activated and Contact Type is send an email notification.
Greater Than - If calculated value for Type is greater than the configured Value then trigger is activated and Contact Type is send an email notification.
Greater Than Equal To - If calculated value for Type is greater than or equal to the configured Value then trigger is activated and Contact Type is send an email notification.
Trigger Frequency
The trigger frequency defines how often the trigger is executed.
Contact Type
Any Relationship Contact of the contact type that is selected will receive an email notifications if the trigger condition is met when the trigger is executed.
Data Interval
The data interval defines the data set that is used to calculate the trigger type.
For example is the trigger type is ASR, and the data interval is 1 Hour then the ASR calculation will be based on all calls in the previous 60 minutes from the time the trigger was executed.
Time Frame
The time frame further defines when the trigger can be executed.
Reset - Removed any configured values for all fields in the Add Trigger window.
Add Trigger - This button adds the trigger to the Added Triggers table. If any required fields are empty, this button places a red border around the empty required field and displays Required beneath the field.
Added Triggers - The number to the right of Added Triggers indicates the number of triggers in the Added Triggers table. If there are no triggers in the table, no number is shown.
NAME - Displays the name of the Trigger.
TYPE - Displays the type of Trigger.
CONDITION - Displays the Trigger condition.
VALUE - Displays the value that initiates the trigger action.
EXPIRATION - This is the Trigger Frequency.
CONTACT TYPE - Displays the contact type.
TIME FRAME - Displays either Always or Customer
START TIME - If the Time Frame is customer then displays the starting time frame that the trigger can be executing in.
END TIME - If the Time Frame is customer then displays the ending time frame that the trigger can be executing in.
STATUS - When checked, the Trigger is active. When an X is displayed the Trigger is disabled. To disable the Trigger, a Disable Status confirmation dialog box will be displayed. The Disable button must be selected to disable the Trigger.