1 Clicking the 46 Labs logo will always return you to the Main Screen. This can be useful after creating or updating a ticket.
2 Clicking the Portal Help will open a separate browser tab to the Portal Documentation.
3 Clicking on your Avatar, Photo or Initials will all to view your requests, view and update your profile and log out.
4 46 Labs customers always have the option to directly call Customer Support. This approach is encouraged for High Severity Issues.
5 The View Open Tickets area allow to select your open tickets, closed tickets or all tickets. You can also do a key word search for tickets.
6 This is the area of the screen that will display your tickets based on the selection criteria that you have chosen.
7 To view tickets open by others in your organization click on the Organization Tickets button.
8 For a real-time online chat with 46 Labs engineers click Online and then click the New Conversion button.