Key terms
RATESHEET NAME - Displays the name of the Rate Deck.
TRUNK GROUPS - Displays the number of trunk groups with the Rate Deck assignment. Hover the number to display the names of the trunk groups.
FILE NAME - Displays the name of the CSV file used to upload rates into the Rate Deck.
LOAD STATUS - Displays the load status. Any final status, other than successful, is considered a failure.
TOTAL RATES - Displays the total number of rates in the Rate Deck.
EFFECTIVE DATE(S) - Displays the date that the Rate Deck was or will be in use. A dash ( - ) means XXX.
ROUNDING - Displays the number of decimal places used to calculate the rate.
MODIFIER - Displays the username of the individual that last modified the Rate Deck.
CREATED AT - Displays the date the Rate Deck was created.