2021 Updates

2021 Updates

December 2021

Spam Filter: Added a new feature for filtering/labelling spam traffic. The way it works is by dipping in industry specific spam databases and determining on the fly if the ANI is spam or not. Customers will have 2 options, block such calls from completing OR labelling the call as SPAM with CNAM.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed p_charge_info use and strip jurisdiction calculations

  • Fixed calculation for NER% for level 5 on relationship performance report

  • Fixed effective date in emails going out for rate distribution functionality

  • Fixed timezone issue on LATA OCN report and deck uploader

  • Fixed Traffic History Report - Export Issue for Vendor

  • Refactored List Upload & Replace Blanking Logic causing Filtering Problems

  • Fixed layout for addresses on invoice generation

  • Refactored SIP Reason Report on Vendor level to use SIP Reason column

November 2021


Origination NRC/MRC: Added a new origination module to allow NRC (non-recurring charges) and MRCs (monthly recurring charges) to be configured for all assigned DIDs. The NRC/MRC configuration is also designed in a manner to allow them to be consumed for account-level (per relationship) NRC/MRC billing. Users can set up the NRC/MRC Profiles under the Tools -> Billing Profiles page and consume them under assigned DID's on the Origination Routeplan -> Numberings page. NRC/MRC is also available under the Balance/Payment tab on a per Relationship basis.

Stripe % Fee & Total Fee: Added % Fee & Total Fee options for Stripe payments, similar to the Paypal payments module.

  • P-Charge-Info Header: Added support for P-Charge Info under Trunk Group configurations. It is used for SIP entities that provide billing services for a session. The processing of this header would allow you to bill based on P-Charge instead of FROM field if present. This feature will work pretty similar to BTN feature and the ANI determination P Charge will have highest rank:

    • P-Charge-Info

    • BTN

    • PAI

    • RPID

    • FROM

The CDR will have a new column at the very end of the .csv file to accommodate this:



Warning/Suspend Email Warning Augment: Added a new option to not disable Trunk Groups on suspension when the limit is reached. Default behavior will be to send email and suspend the trunk group and add a log for the event. If the option checkbox is unchecked from the Balance area it will only send the suspend email and will not disable the trunk group.

New Stir/Shaken Engine: The Stir/Shaken engine has been changed internally to now be more performant and will also support TCP Endpoints. The original workings remain the same but adjustments have been added so please review the existing Endpoint to convert them into new format after the update. The engine now also supports the OrigID column for and will pass it in INVITE if provided.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed calculation for CPS on Termination / Origination Capacity under Relationship Performance report for Vendors (first level)

  • Added the option to include the B leg for general export on the CDR Diagnostic page

  • Fixed an error where the effective date would not appear in the actual email when the “@effective date” variable was used in a template

  • Fixed an error where a extra line break would appear in an Invoice between an address and account number

  • Fixed a rounding error that caused generated invoices to have incorrect rates

There will be an addition of 1 new field to the CDR in the November update.



October 2021


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • New calculation engine for Destination SIP Reason Report

  • New simulation engine for HCv

  • Improved sync time for route plan rule loading

  • Fixed Stir/Shaken cannot sign response codes

  • Fixed rounding error on auto Invoice

  • Updated version of switch code for HCv

  • Fixed an issue on Hyperconnect Portal where Numbering Upload does not display tags

  • Fixed an issue in the distribute rate-sheet functionality where files were zipped twice in email attachment

  • Fixed an issue where a single vendor name repeats in the Duration Report on level 3

  • Optimized speed and accuracy of duration report for the count of completed calls

  • Added the option to search through tags on the Hyperconnect Portal Number listing page

September 2021


E911 Triggers: Added a new option in Routing called Trigger E911 for ANI List. If the Notification type is set to E911 along with ANI list it will trigger the E911 notification via email.


  • Added new columns in CDR export API: Added the new columns when exporting data with orig_rate, orig_cost, for the Customer and term_rate and term_cost for the Vendor when Sanitize Data is selected on CDR diagnostic page.

  • Number Ordering API: Added a standalone API to order new numbers using the HyperConnected Portal (HCP) API's.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Applied full length sorting across all pages for Live Calls

  • Fixed relationship count for Portal Templates

  • Zip rate deck files on Rate Deck Distribution.

  • Fixed Stir/Shaken endpoint to use a port with IP for 302 redirect to any port.


August 2021


  • TFO Billing by LRN: Added a new option to the switch for rating of Origination TOLLFREE calls based on ANI or LRN of that ANI. The default behavior was rate based on ANI.

    • Note: We have added a new field in the CDR to represent LRN of the ANI which will be used for rating purposes: ani_lrn

  • Stripe Integration: Added Stripe as a new payment mode for the relationship portal. Carriers can now send money by checking out with Stripe. The receiving Stripe account can be set under Payment Integration card on the General Settings page by providing the stripe secret key and email.

  • LCR to LCR Fallback: Added the ability to allow normal LCR rules to have a fallback rule of LCR or any other type. This will allow customers to create multiple LCR based vendor lists.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added a new column Legal Company Name in Relationships to be shown on invoices

  • Fixed the Added By column on the Balance/Payments page when payments are done from the UI

  • Fixed NPR calculations on the second level of the Relationship Performance Report

  • Fixed Contact header processing

  • Fixed PAI header processing when multiples values are present

  • Fixed Peering deck processing


There will be an addition of 1 new field to the CDR in the August update.



July 2021


  • Deciphering STIR/SHAKEN Tokens: Added new columns to the CDR to assist with deciphering identity tokens. The new columns will provide information about the calling party, called party, attestation level, signing endpoint, etc. by simply parsing tokens.

    • Note #1: This is NOT the same as the Verification process, only additional information that is now stored on the CDR.

    • Note #2: The above CDR columns are only available for our HCv Environment at the moment, all customers can expect to be migrated to HCv soon automatically which has optimized networking/switch handling for large packets. We will notify customers prior to migration of the date on which CDRs will be changing.

  • STIR/SHAKEN Signing Endpoint: As of July 1st, 2021 all US Termination calls domestic or international must be signed by a STIR/SHAKEN token. The 46 Labs platform will not be signing attempts directly, instead it will permit the configuration of signing endpoints that use a 302 redirect interface.

    • Termination/Customer and Origination/Vendor trunk groups can select which signing endpoint it uses out of the globally configured Call Signing Endpoints.

    • Endpoints will be configured as a list wherein users can create an unlimited number of endpoints, each with its own IP or DNS value under Settings > STIR/SHAKEN Endpoints.

    • Note: 46 Labs has Tested/Certified following call signing vendors for now at scale using industry standard 302 redirect method.

    • Note: This feature is only available on our HCv environment and should only be enabled on a Test Trunk Group for verification.

    • Note: Please reach out to support for additional information or in case you have your own endpoint integration.


  • Robocall Mitigation: In Compliance with Robocall Mitigation we have added multiple options to block ANIs based on known historical behavior: ASR, ACD, SDP/SDR. Although none of these statistics could be considered conclusive evidence of robocalling, they could be considered indicators. The routing options include ANI Thresholds on Customer/Termination route plans for:

    • Minimum ASR

    • Minimum ACD

    • Maximum SDR


Ratesheet History Overview: Added new tab “Ratesheet History” under the Ratesheet Overview which will show the status of uploaded ratesheets in one place.


Future Effective Date Confirmation for Ratesheets: Added a preview model after headers are selected while uploading a US/Canada/Termination ratesheet. This will improve usability and allow users to confirm the headers selected on ratesheet upload and change to the desired effective date.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added logs to show when a list of DIDs or TFNs has been uploaded in the Origination Routing Plan

  • Added an export option to the Traffic History Report

  • Added a DID count column in Origination Routing listings

There will be an addition of 6 new fields to the CDR in the July update.

  • stir_attest

  • stir_orig_id

  • stir_orig_tn

  • stir_dest_tn

  • stir_iat

  • stir_x5u


June 2021


Ports by Favorite Trunk Group Graph: Added a new port graphing capability on dashboard to allow users to compare favored trunk group utilization. This feature allows you to favorite a trunk group and then view it against other trunk groups in graphical format (max: 20 favorites). The drop down within the graph’s pane on the dashboard allows you to select/deselect the trunk groups.

Kill Calls on Suspend: Added a new checkbox option to kill calls upon suspension under the Balance/Payment tab in Relationships. All ongoing calls for all the trunk groups under that relationship will be killed when the balance suspended notification is triggered.

Payment Details: Added visibility into the listing of carrier payments to show if the payment is done from Balance/Payment tab, Paypal or API. This will help users verify the origin of payment at a glance.

  • Billed Prefix and Tech Prefix: Added additional information to the CDR to have both origination and termination billed prefixes in the CDR export to show which codes were used by the rating engine for international calls. Similarly added tech prefix columns in the CDR to allow users to see if an incoming or outgoing tech prefix was used. The updated fields on the CDR and actual names are as follows:

    • orig_billed_prefix

    • term_billed_prefix

    • orig_tech_prefix

    • Term_tech_prefix


LERG6 UNKNOWNS: Added the ability to filter traffic upon invalid US ANI(s) that have no LERG6 information available. Under routing rules in the section FROM, select LERG, then select Prefix_type = UNKNOWN and then create a block rule. This new block rule will then block traffic from conforming US ANI(s) with no LERG information available.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed UDP fragmentation issue, allowing for packets larger than 1500 to be fragmented

  • Fixed response processing of UDP calls from SBC using high number port instead of 5060

  • Fixed abnormalities in data calculations for Duration and LATA OCN Report

  • Fixed issue with search boxes listing tables where results are not correctly filtered by search criteria

  • Fixed wrong date issue in the relationship portal dashboard's graphs

  • Fixed the issue where creating a rate deck with an international location the default setting for rounding digits of 6 could not be modified to anything else

  • Added initial and subsequent increments columns to Variable Deck Generator export files

  • Added exceptions for STIR/SHAKEN responses so they are not converted to 503 without disabling Normalize SIP Codes checkbox.

    • 428 (Use Identity Header)

    • 436 (Bad Identity Info)

    • 437 (Unsupported Credential)

    • 438 (Invalid Identity Header)

    • 607 (Unwanted)

    • 608 (Call Rejected)


There will be an addition of 4 new fields to the CDR in the June update.

  • orig_billed_prefix

  • term_billed_prefix

  • orig_tech_prefix

  • term_tech_prefix


May 2021


Traffic by Jurisdiction: Added a new report that will break down traffic by trunk group/state/country and jurisdiction. The primary implementation of this report is to facilitate retail taxation.

Relationship Performance Report Export: Added a multi-level export functionality to the report. The export will only export the filtered contents of a generated report. If no filters are used then it will export the entire report.

SIP Reason Report Filtering/Exporting: Added a multi-level export functionality to the report. The export will only export the filtered contents of a generated report. If no filters are used then it will export the entire report.

Payphone Billing Part 2: Added a new feature to provide the ability to specify call surcharges by OLI value. This new OLI Surcharge option has been added to the Origination Deck page. When the user clicks on it they will get a list of each OLI value.

  • Invoicing Overview: Added a couple of new options on the Invoice Overview page:

    • Account Number

    • Ability to export the invoice summary page


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Added a new Delete & Insert option in the List Uploader functionality

  • Fixed an issue where users were not logged out for inactivity when the browser was closed

  • Added three new columns in the CDR exports from the UI:

    • orig_rounding

    • term_rounding

    • isup_oli

  • Fixed an issue where users creating a rate deck with international locations are unable to modify the default rounding digit value of 6

  • Added increment and duration columns in flat deck generator export file

  • Fixed calculations for ALOC, NEPR and SDR in the Hourly performance report on level 1

  • Trigger Overview page issue fixed where the overview would show deleted trunk groups

  • Fixed an issue related to freeing external names when the capacity group or relationship associated with it is deleted

  • Fixed the assigned trunk group count in the capacity groups listing page

There will be an addition of a new field to the CDR in the May update.



April 2021


  • Hourly Destination Performance Report Multi-Level Export: Added functionality to export hourly destination report for all levels along with filters.

  • Number Translation: Added an overview page for all number translations. The Manipulation Overview will allow users to add/remove and upload translations in bulk.

    • Relationship -> Manipulation Overview

  • MCL Regions: Added a new feature called MCL Regions under Tools -> Master Code List. Users using this feature can assign and manage regions to default MCL Countries and use them as a filter on different reports.

  • Enable/Disable Trunks: Added the ability to enable/disable trunks from the trunk group section. When disabled trunks will no longer accept traffic or receive traffic based on what type they are.

  • AOR for Registrations: Added the Address of Record for registration based trunks under trunk status. If a registration is active and responding to OPTIONS the AOR will show the IP:Port being used for the registration.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ASR calculation formula on level 5 for hourly relationship performance.

  • Fixed search issue for trunk IP registrations.

  • Fixed top right search ip addresses.

  • Fixed High UDP port issue with Cisco devices on reINVITE.

March 2021

Ratedeck Effective Time: Added a new feature for the Rate Deck upload process where both the time and date can now be selected. This will allow the user to specify the time in GMT by which the deck can become effective. Previously all decks became effective at 00:00 GMT on the effective date.


  • Fallback Routing: Added a new feature under routing to allow customers to manage multiple vendors without having to keep changing rules. Currently routing rules take action on the first matching routing condition configured in the route plan's rule builder. In the case that all vendors on the first matching routing condition fail there was no fallback. This new type of rule will allow you to specify a fallback rule for your original rule and the routing hunt will keep going using the vendor selected in fallback rule after the main rule vendor(s) are finished. Please note the following info:

    • You can create multiple fallback rules but only 1 fallback can be assigned to the actual routing rule.

    • The fallback rule’s vendor will only be used after all routing rule vendors have been exhausted and if there is still PDD left.

    • The vendor selection in fallback rule can use the same routing method in original rule (i.e LCR, Static or Percentage)

    • The same fallback rule can be used on many original rules.

  • Pending Rate Analysis: Added a new report to allow users to look forward to potentially material rate changes in order to take proactive steps with customer-facing decks. This report will only affect International destinations and show rate change for loaded decks for the next 7 days.


Vendor Destination Exclusion: Added a new feature under Relationship > Global Routing to allow the exclusion of a Destination for a vendor for a given period. This relates to International traffic only. The feature will allow you either select a vendor for exclusion from all route plans OR for a specific route plan. In either case destination exclusion will be based on the MCL template selected and must match the route plan MCL template.


OLI Filters: Added the option for OLI filtering for origination traffic which will allow a customer to block certain traffic from completing if it is coming from specific OLI. The OLI filter will only work if the upstream carrier provides the ISUP-OLI header in the signaling.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Add timestamps on CDR export in relationship portal.

  • Add cost field on CDR export in relationship portal.

  • Improved List Uploader Job process to decrease processing time.

  • Added an export option within signaling manipulations inside trunk groups.

  • Add the ability to search signaling manipulations rules in the search box on the top bar.

  • Increased number of items that can be viewed in routing view.

  • Added profit protection value to terminating route plan view.


February 2021

  • New PDD/NER columns in Reporting: Added two new columns NER% and PDD to the Relationship and Hourly Performance Report and removed the PRV and PPM columns in favor of the new columns.

  • Filter by Agent in Reporting: Added the ability for users to select a specific Agent and have the Relationship and Hourly Reports filter to only show results where the selected Agent is listed on the Relationship.

  • Rate by Dialed Number: Added the new feature on Domestic Prefix Jurisdictional and LATA/OCN decks to choose a return rate for DNIS or LRN. The default value will be the LRN for new and existing decks.

    • Note: This will cause a change to API parameters; a new parameter is now available in the rate_decks API called rate_by which requires value 0 for LRN and 1 for DNIS.

  • Capacity Bursting Report: Added this new report to show 95th and 98th percentile usage for both Ports and CPS. This report can be used to review bursting data for all carriers or individual trunks groups.

    • NOTE: The Capacity Group and Trunk Group Bursting reports have been moved into this report.

  • ACD/ALOC/Duration Display Setting: Added new section to User Default Settings on General Settings page to select ACD/ALOC/DURATION Format for reports and the dashboard. The available display options will be Seconds (default), Minutes and HH:MM:SS

    • Seconds will display as an integer. Example: 90 seconds would display as 90.

    • Minutes will display with 2 decimals. Example: 90 seconds would display as 1.50.

    • HH:MM:SS will display in the form of Hours:Minutes:Seconds. Example: 90 seconds would display as 00:01:30.


Wireless Block Augmentation: The Wireless prefix type added last month has been expanded to match on prefix_type = "PCS" (Personal Communications Services). As per the LERG, a NPA-NXX-Y can either be wireless or PCS which is considered wireless as well. This will allow us to better match with the rule and perform the action of blocking or routing to special vendors. The Route Simulator has also been updated to show the prefix_type.


MCL Template Augmentation: Updated the rate sheet upload mapping for intl decks to ignore or not select increment and duration from the mapping section. If the headers are not selected the defaults available on the deck/MCL template will be used.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CDR download and file name issue.

  • Default MCL now shows at the top of the list.

  • Fixed error in Reporting where a graph was not being generated.

  • Fixed issue on backend to not use filter media settings saved in DB if filter media is not checked.

January 2021

  • MCL Increments: Added a new feature to setup increments at the MCL level. These increments will be added against any MCL template for each country separately. These increments can also be used for Rate Deck Generators by selecting specific MCL templates. As templates are now also required on INTL deck uploads the default template will be pre-selected and users can change it to another template if required. The updated MCL that now contains the missing codes will now work with the selected template from a rate deck upload.

    • NOTE: This is a new column added to the deck upload API called “mcl_template_id”. Customers using APIs must update the API call to send that id as well. In order to not break the upload process for now, if the column is not found in API params, a default id of “1” will be used.


Bind an IP to Trunk Registration: Added a new feature to bind an IP with Trunk Registrations. A user can now register from any IP address as well as use network masks to whitelist a range of IPs by entering a mask alongside IP such as The valid masks would therefore be from 22 to 31. During the registration process, if an IP was configured then the platform will verify the registration request is coming from the appropriate IP.


New Filters on Reports: Added the ability for customers to filter the reports based on user selection. The report will customer to drill down on Carrier/TG level by:

  1. Filtering by Relationship/Customer/Vendor/Country on level 2

  2. Filtering by Column with condition on level 2

  3. Applying sorting on all columns for all levels


Call Simulator Rule: Added a new information section to the Route Simulator to display the rule name that triggered a specific routing decision.


ANI Performance Report Modifications: The ANI Performance Report has been enhanced and several new options have been added:

  1. Allows a much larger sample set of data.

  2. Allows the report to go back as far as 7 days.

  3. Allows filtering by Start Date, End Date, Customer, Vendor, Customer Trunk Group and Vendor Trunk Group.

  4. Refreshes historical data set every 15 minutes.


Partial Search on CDR Diagnostics: Added the ability to search on CDR Diagnostics by entering a partial ANI, DNIS or both. Simply enter a partial number followed by the percentage symbol “%”. For example, enter 512% and it will pull all records starting with 512 for the selected date range.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • An updated list name not showing in the Rule Builder issue has been fixed.

  • CDR Report: Pagination issue when date range is selected has been fixed.

  • Partial search fixed on list DNIS and Contents

  • Invoice issue for bigger destination names has been fixed.

  • Allow STIR/SHAKEN Identity header

  • Deprecated TLS 1.0 from both UI and switch side

  • Fixed the send rate deck feature to only send active rates


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