To access the general company settings and information page navigate to the General page in the Account section which is located in the left-side navigation bar.
You can change the following information on this tab:
Company Name
Phone Number
Website Address
Physical Address
The company logo will be displayed on Invoices. To upload a logo:
Click on the add logo image button located in the top left of the page
Choose your file in the explorer
Press OK
From the company contacts section, you can:
Create a contact
Provide a name, email, phone number and define the account notifications to be received
Click on the Add Contact button
Modify a contact’s account notifications
Notification Types: Voice, Data and Account
Modification is possible by:
Clicking on the grey Pencil icon in the Modify column
Clicking the voice, data, and account notification buttons in the Notifications column
Remove a contact
Click the grey Trash icon to remove a contact