

To access the general company settings and information page navigate to the General page in the Account section which is located in the left-side navigation bar.


You can change the following information on this tab:

  • Company Name

  • Phone Number

  • Website Address

  • Physical Address


The company logo will be displayed on Invoices. To upload a logo:

Click on the add logo image button located in the top left of the page

  1. Choose your file in the explorer

  2. Press OK


From the company contacts section, you can:

  1. Create a contact

    1. Provide a name, email, phone number and define the account notifications to be received

Click on the Add Contact button

  1. Modify a contact’s account notifications

    1. Notification Types: Voice, Data and Account

    2. Modification is possible by:

      1. Clicking on the grey Pencil icon in the Modify column

Clicking the voice, data, and account notification buttons in the Notifications column

  1. Remove a contact

    1. Click the grey Trash icon to remove a contact

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