Relationship Contacts

The Relationship Info page shows relationship contacts.

Key terms

CONTACT TYPE The type of contact (Balance, Billing, NOC, Rate, Sales, or Trigger). See Contact Types for more information.

CONTACT NAME The name of the contact.

EMAIL ID The email address of the contact.

IM ADDRESS The Instant message address of the contact. Currently, the IM Address is not used.

PHONE NUMBER The phone number of the contact.

New contact

To add a new relationship contact, click the + Add Contact button. A new page displays. Fill in the fields.


To update a Relationship Contact click on the Contact Type to the left of the Contact’s Name. When finished with the updates click the Update Contact button.

To delete a Relationship Contact, left-click the vertical ellipsis to the right of the contact’s Phone Number and select Delete. Finally, click on the Delete Contact button to confirm the deletion.