The platform can allow users to indvidually or automatically generate and distribute invoices to clients containing their usage costs for specific invoicing cycles.
Key Terms
The Invoicing page displays all of the invoices that have been generated for the Relationship.
Search Use the Search Dialog Box to find a specfic invoice.
Export Use the Export Button to export the Invoice information show in the UI for the Relationship. In the Export Data dialog box, type the filename and click the Export Data button.
Add Invoice See Add Invoice for more information.
Settings See Invoicing Settings for more information.
INVOICE NUMBER Refers is the Invoice Number. This number iterates as an invoice is generated on the platform, not within each Relationship.
CREATED AT Refers to the creation date of the invoice.
START DATE Refers to the Start Date of the invoiced period of the invoice.
END DATE Refers to the End Date of the invoiced period of the invoice.
BILLING CYCLE Refers to the Billing Cycle. The format for Billing Cycles is XXNYY where XX is the number of days between invoices, N is “Net Due In”, and YY is the number of days after the invoice date when payment is due.
ACCOUNT NUMBER Refers to the Account Number as configured in the Relationship Info page.
INVOICE AMOUNT Refers to the total invoiced amount on the invoice.
VALIDITY Refers to the Validity of the invoice. See Invoice Specific Options for more information.
TAG Refers to the tag value entered when adding and invoice individually or will contian the Auto Invoice date for invoices that are automatically generated via the Automated Invoicing option. See Invoicing Settings for more information.