


Trunk Group drop-down list - By default all Trunk Groups are displayed. Select the drop-down to pick a specific trunk group. Although a single trunk group must be selected simple pattern matching can be used to filter the list of all Trunk Groups. In the below example pstn (case insensitive) was used to limit the results to Trunk Group with PSTN in the name.

Export - The export button allows the user to export the manipulations to a CSV file. Currently this feature only works when a specific Trunk Group is selected.

Upload - When a specific Trunk Group is selected, this button allows the user to upload a CSV file of manipulation to the Trunk Group. Click the Download Sample for an example CSV file format.


Bulk Delete - When a specific Trunk Group is selected, this button will allow the user to delete all manipulations defined in the Trunk Group. The user will need to click the Delete Bulk Manipulation confirmation button.


Add Manipulation - When a specific Trunk Group is selected, this button can be used to add a manipulation to the Trunk Group.


TRUNK GROUP NAME - Displays the name of the Trunk Group that the manipulation belongs to.

HEADER - Displays the SIP Header (ANI, DNIS, SIP Code) that is potentially being modified.

SEARCH RULE - Displays the pattern or regular expression to search for in the header.

REPLACE RULE - Displays the pattern or regular expression to replace the header with if the search rule is matched.

LAST MODIFIER - Displays the user name of the person that created or last modified the manipulation and date it was created or last modified.



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