Signaling Manipulation

Signaling Manipulation refers to the the ability to modify the ANIDNIS, or SIP Code in the header using regular expressions. This feature is found in the trunk group settings. 


  • The switch removes all non-digit symbols, such as the + in a DNIS, automatically from the R-URI when an initial INVITE is received.

  • Signaling manipulation cannot be applied towards calls showing up with ANI field as “anonymous”.


ANI or DNIS as Header

  • Add +1:

    • Search: ^(..........)$

    • Replace: 1\1

  • Remove +1:

    • Search: ^1(..........)$

    • Replace: \1

  • Replace the first two digits with 55:

    • Search:^(.{2})(.*)$

    • Replace: 55\2

  • Remove the prefix 011:

    • Search: ^011

    • Replace:

  • Replace empty number with 12345:

    • Search: ^$

    • Replace: 12345

  • Add 011 (to all traffic)

    • Search: ^(.*)$

    • Replace: 011\1

SIP Code as Header

  • Return a 503 instead of 504 in case of LOCAL_PDD_TIMEOUT (for Termination Trunk Groups)

    • Search: 504:LOCAL_PDD_TIMEOUT

    • Replace: 503:SERVICE UNAVAILABLE

Parenthetical groupings use \n instead of $n. For example the second parenthetical group in a replace pattern is referenced as \2. Do not use (a-z, A-Z) characters in pattern matches. For example use .{2} instead of \d{2} to match any two digits.