How do I access the Customer Portal?

How do I access the Customer Portal?

To access the 46 Labs customer portal from a web browser go to the portal.46labs.com url. The following web page will be displayed.

Click the Login to 46 Labs Customer Portal button. You will be presented with the following web page.

To access the 46 Labs Customer Portal, the 46 Labs Customer Support team must have created an account for you (this is typically done during the customer onboarding process). Once your account is created, you will receive a Welcome Email. Click the Accept Invite button in the Welcome Email. You will then be presented with the following web page.


If your email account can be authenticated by Google, Microsoft, Apple or Slack then 46 Labs recommends using the appropriate Continue with option. You will be presented with one of the following options to log in.



Otherwise type your email address in the Enter you email field an click on Continue.

If you type in an email address that has not been setup by 46 Labs Customer Support you will see the Phrase “By singing up, I accept the Atlassian Clout Terms of Service and acknowledge the Privacy Policy. Otherwise you will be presented a field to type (create if you are a first time user) your password. Click the Log in button to continue.

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with your 46 Labs Customer Support Home Page.


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