System Generated Lists

System Generated Lists


The Peeredge Orchestrator provides the following system generated lists.

404 - Global - The 404 - Global List is a DNIS List type. When a Termination Vendor responds to a SIP Invite with a SIP 404 Not Found response and the Termination Vendor does not have the Do Not Add 404s To Global List option checked, the Orchestrator automatically adds the DNIS from the SIP Invite to this list. Automatically added DNIS entries have an Effective Date set to the date and time the DNIS was added to the list and an Expires date set to 30 days from the date and time the DNIS was added to the list. If the DNIS is already in this list then the expires date is updated to the current date and time plus 30 days. The Effective Date and time is not updated. The Orchestrator checks for Expired entries every hour and removes the entries if they have expired. The Peeredge User Interface only displays the Effective Date and the Expires date not the time. This list only applies to Termination traffic.

ANI - Global Block - The ANI - Global Block is an ANI List type. The Orchestrator does not automatically add or remove numbers from this list. This list can be used when the “If call comes from” rule condition is sent to ANI List. Usually the perform action would be to Block (reject) the calls when the ANI is in this list.

DNIS - Global Block - The DNIS - Global Block is a DNIS List type. The Orchestrator does not automatically add or remove numbers from the list. This list can be used when the “and is sent to” rule condition is sent to DNIS List. Usually the perform action would be to Block (reject) the calls when the DNIS is in this list.

Media IP - Global Block - The Media IP - Global Block is an IP List type. The Orchestrator does not automatically add IP addresses to or remove IP addresses from the list. This list can be used when the “with customer media IP” rule condition is sent to IP List. Usually the perform action would be to Block (reject) the calls when the media IP is in this list.

E911 - The E911 is an ANI List type.

The E911 List only applies to Hyper Converged (Enterprise) Customer deployments. This List does not apply to Service Provider Customers.

This list can be used in Real-Time Routing Triggers.

This list is automatically updated with the Voice Number (ANI) when Emergency Services are enabled on a Voice Number from the Hyper Converged Portal.

Specifically, it is used to tie the email notification recipient defined in the Emergency Services section of a Voice Number in the Enterprise portal to a real-time trigger notification created in the Peeredge portal.  This trigger is executed when a 911 or 933 call is placed allowing the email notification to be sent to the recipient(s) when an emergency call is placed.


Automatically added ANI entries to the E911 List have an Effective Date set to the date the ANI was added to the list and the Expires Date is not set. Entries to this list are not automatically removed.


System Generated lists cannot be deleted and their list type cannot be changed.

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