Capacity Bursting
Define the Date Range for the Capacity Bursting Report. Either select a predefined Date Range (Today, Last Week, etc.) or select the start date and end date for the Date Range.
Customer - Filters the report to Customer Relationships and Trunk Groups.
Vendor - Filters the report to Vendor Relationships and Trunk Groups.
Click the All Trunk Groups drop-down box to …
cps_95p - The 95th percentile of calls per second in the defined time range.
cps_98p - The 98th percentile of calls per second in the defined time range.
peak_cps - The maximum number of calls per second in the defined time range.
ports_95p - The 95th percentile of call sessions in the defined time range.
ports_98p - The 98th percentile of call sessions in the defined time range.
To calculate the 95th percentile of calls per second, the CPS values are ordered from highest to lowest in the defined time range and the 95th percentile is the highest value after the top 5 percent of values are discarded.