Balance / Payment Template
TEMPLATE NAME - The name of the template.
COMPANY NAME - The name of the company that is template is for.
RELATIONSHIPS ASSIGNED - The number of Relationships this template is assigned to.
LAST MODIFIER - The user name of the person who added or last modified the template and the date of the last change.
Add Template - Use the Add Template button to create a new Template.
Settings - Click the Gear Icon to change the settings that apply to all Balance / Payment Templates.
Balance Warning Amount - The amount is US Dollars to trigger a Balance Warning email. This could be a positive or negative number.
Balance Suspend Amount - The amount in US Dollars to trigger a Balance Suspend email.
Disable Balance Offsets - When checked, XXX
Kill Calls On Suspension - When checked and the Balance Suspend Amount is reached, all existing calls belonging to a Relationship associated with this template will be immediately terminated.
Send Daily Balance Email - When checked, all Relationship contact of type XXX will be sent a daily email of the running balance for the associated Relationship(s).
Disable Trunk Groups On Suspension - When checked and the Balance Suspend Amount is reached, all Trunk Groups in Relationships associated with this template will be disabled.
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